A six-part bible study we’re using as both a weekly bible study and as a weekend seminar, designed to both teach biblical congregational discipleship principles and motivate students to put the principles into practice. The emphasis is not personal discipleship, but discipleship within the Christian community for carrying out the mission of the Church. And so the workbook includes both all the notes for the teaching sessions and “training” exercises to do as homework to solidify what those sessions teach.

The goal of study is to especially teach six principles:
- Christ’s disciples build their lives upon bible study and devotion (with emphasis on the means of grace).
- Christ’s disciples seek to carry out the church’s mission.
- Christ’s disciples leverage their gifts for the sake of the body.
- Christ’s disciples strive to give it all for the God who’s given all (with emphasis on gospel motivation).
- Christ’s leaders model his initiative, self-sacrifice and virtue.
- Jesus expects this church to make plans and work them.
Discipleship Bootcamp is built off of the work of Pastor Matt Vogt, and includes some of the leadership teaching of Dr. Allen Sorum and stewardship teaching of Prof. David Scharf. The packet includes:
- A 24 pg workbook PDF
- A 24 pg workbook with leader notes, PDF and Word DOC, with fonts
- Workbook cover JPGs
- An 11×17 poster
- Title slides, including PSD docs
The Downloads
Resources for Preparing to Teach the Bible Class
Leaders preparing to give this bible study ought to read and review the following books and resources:
- Sanctification, by Lyle Lange, is a full analysis of the doctrine of sanctification, which is where discipleship falls within theology. In order to keep a bible study on discipleship from turning into nothing but law preaching (this is what you need to do), or to keep the study from turning into moralizing (this is what you need to do to make God happy), the instructor ought to be deeply aware of how discipleship is an aspect of sanctification, a fruit of the Spirit, meant to flow from gospel motivation.
Devotional Resources Recommended in “Discipleship Bootcamp”
In the “Training: Kickstart Your Devotional Life Now!” section (pgs 4-5), there are several devotional resources recommended. Here are links to all the resources:
- The Lutheran Study Bible (Concordia Publishing House) is not just a study bible, but also a devotional. Within the footnotes are devotional summaries of sections of Scripture, followed by a prayer. To use the Lutheran Study Bible as a devotional, simply look in the footnotes for the devotional icon, read the corresponding section (usually 10 to 15 verses), read the devotional (a short paragraph), and then pray the accompanying prayer. For $45- 70 it provides not only the only Bible you’ll need for your whole life, but also devotional resources that will last you years.
- Meditations : If you’re looking for short, 5 minute devotional readings written by great pastors applying bible verses to your daily life, NPH’s Meditations is the best resource out there. Published monthly.
- The People’s Bible Commentary Series (NPH or CPH) is not only hands down the best resource non-pastors can get on helping to understand the bible. It also serves as an excellent devotional way to read through the bible. Simply read one section and it’s accompanying commentary as your daily devotion. It will take all of five to ten minutes.
- WELS Daily Devotions are perfect for a moment of daily meditation. To have them emailed, sign up here.
- The Lumo Project Gospel Collection is a high-quality filming of all four gospels. All four are available on YouTube for free split into 3 to 6 minute clips, perfect for devotion. Watch a clip, discuss/meditate on it for a couple minutes, then pray.
- For ages 0-5: The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones (Zondervan Publishing) is our favourite pick for toddler devotions. Kids fall in love with the writing and illustrations, the book covers all of Salvation History, and, most importantly, everything points to Jesus as our Saviour from sins. There are also DVD and audiobook versions, all available in our library for preview.
- For ages 5-8: The Story Bible (Concordia Publishing) is massive, easy to read, introduces kids to the language and writing style of the bible, and in its margins provides parents with review questions and prayers.
- For ages 9-12: The Complete Bible Discovery Guide (Concordia Publishing) is a Bible handbook where you and your kids can dive into the people, history, culture, and traditions of both the Old and New Testament times. With excellent illustrations, simple explanations, and great maps, this is a wonderful resource to spend 5-10 minutes sharing with your kids. Also, now is a good time to start modelling how you do your own devotions.
- For Teens: Five-Minute Bible Studies for Teens (Northwestern Publishing House), written by a WELS high school campus pastor, not only has God’s Word at its heart, but also tackles challenging issues for teens.
- For College-aged: You might find How to Stay Christian in College by J. Budziszewski (The Navigators Publishing) as useful for addressing the unique challenges of living your faith on campus.