This Lenten sermon series is meant to reflect on all the ways the people in Jesus’ time wanted the Messiah to be very different than who Jesus was. And still today, we oftentimes desire that the central figure of our faith isn’t like Jesus. We want a conquering hero arriving with his armies of angels. But instead we find a willing suffering servant. This is what Paul called the foolishness of the cross. But the Bible makes it clear that the Jesus we get is far greater than we could have ever designed. He meets all our greatest needs, from forgiveness, to eternal life, to peace in the midst of trials.

This series is based on the church’s three-year pericope, readings for Lent, Year A, from Christian Worship (NPH).
This sermon series packet includes:
- Worship folder images, in both colour and b&w
- Title slide, both JPG and PSD
- 11×17 poster image
- title image, PNG
- Sermon series notes, including prayers and reading summaries