Paschal – A Maundy Thursday Worship Service

This is a stand-alone worship service fitting for the evening of Maundy Thursday. The service description found in the worship service is as follows:

Maundy Thursday is when the Church meditates on the night before Jesus’ crucifixion. Many things occurred that night, but none as important as when he instituted a new Means of Grace, communion. On that evening, Jesus and his disciples were celebrating the first Paschal, or Passover, when God delivered the Israelites from death through a Passover Lamb. That evening, Jesus declared himself the Lamb of God, and gave himself to his disciples to save them from spiritual death through the forgiveness of sins. He then commanded the Church to continue celebrating this meal for forgiveness.

In Holy Communion the members of Christ’s body participate most intimately in his love. Remembering our Lord’s Last Supper with his disciples, we eat the bread and drink the cup of this meal. Together we receive the Lord’s gift of his body and blood for forgiveness and participate in that new covenant that makes us one with him and one another. The Lord’s Supper is the promise of the great banquet we will share with all the faithful when our Lord returns, the joyous culmination of our reconciliation with God and each other.

This worship service packet includes:

  • The full worship service PDF and Mac .pages
  • Worship folder cover images JPG, PSD
  • Title slide JPG
  • title image, PNG


