Anesti is a service of readings that works its way through a gospel harmony of the Easter events. This service was designed to be a companion to Lenten Passion readings, providing a full account of Easter Sunday to complete a harmony reading of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. This is a stand-alone worship service especially fitting for Easter sunrise services. The service description found in the worship service is as follows:
This morning we go back in spirit to the first Easter morning. Through word and song we relive the events that took place early in the morning. We experience for ourselves the joy that overwhelmed the hearts of those believing women and our Lord’s disciples. Our readings for this service is a Resurrection Harmony (combined by Matt Perman) combining all four gospel accounts of that first Easter Sunday into one reading, providing the fullest picture of all the events.
The Greek word anesti means “He is risen!” This phrase, first spoken by the angels at the tomb of Jesus, has become the most important fact the world has ever known. Today, with Christians the world over, we celebrate this truth. And so Christians for two thousand years have greeted each other with the words, “He is Risen!” May God’s preserved accounts of the Resurrection strengthen your faith in our Saviour.

This worship service packet includes:
- The full worship service PDF and Mac .pages
- Worship folder cover images JPG, PSD
- Title slide JPG, PSD
- title image, PNG